Protest : Anglican Church of India


Reasons of protest to the spiritual union

After the Independence in 1948 The Church of South India was formed with the Spiritual Union of 4 churches including The Anglican Church of South India. The Supreme Court of India has already decided that Church Union in South India was Spiritual not Materiel Union or merger. The particular Church is the beneficiary of the Property not the Church of South India. Supreme Court Order in case No.------- of 1988.

The Anglican members of the Anglican Church in South India were continually worshipping according to Anglican Prayer Book.

The General Council of the Anglican Church on 2nd to 4th January 1970, in Calcutta passed the resolution to join the spiritual Union with five other Christian denominations. It was very fair that Declaration 9 of the Constitution, Canons and Rules was observed to form the Church Union. The Anglican Dioceses will in no way be losing its identity or forsaking the inheritance of grace and truth which it has received in the CIPBC (Declaration=9) of the CCR. The General Council is confirmed in this belief by the denomination that will not endanger or bring into question. The spiritual identity or continuity of the Church in the Dioceses concerned as a living part of the Holy Catholic Church.

The Church of North India has no right, authority and obligation to manage and control the Anglican Church properties and Institutions. There was no transfer of property deed executed between the Anglican Church and the Church Union.

The Anglican Church of India formerly known as the Church of England in India was formed by the Indian Church Measure, 1927 and governed by the Statutory Rules passed. It is affiliated by the Worldwide Traditional Anglican Communion where about 19 countries are members to maintain the status of the traditional Liturgy and Worship, creeds, Faith and tradition, Sacraments, Holy Orders of Bishops, Priests and Deacons and Principles of Morality of the Anglican Church.

The Anglican Church of India is headed by the Most Rev. Samuel P. Prakash as Metropolitan of India, who is also the acting Primate of worldwide association succeeding the Most Rev. John Hepworth, Worldwide Traditional Anglican Communion.

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