Church Union : Anglican Church of India

Church Union

Church Union

The negotiation for Church Union started in 1965 but due to some unavoidable reasons it could not be possible. There was question before the Anglican Church, how to continue to maintain faith and order with other non-conformist (Non-Anglicans) denominations who were eager to join Union. Having seen the Constitution, Canons and Rules of the Anglican Church stress was put on declaration 9 of the constitution, which is reproduced as follows:-

It is the will of God that His Church should be one. That unity ought to be expressed, as it was in ancient days by the unity of all the Christians of one place in one Holy society; the regional Church of India, Pakistan, Burma and Ceylon ought thus to include all the Christians of those countries. The prayer and effort of the Church of this Province will ever be directed towards this ideal, and it will seek to enter into Union with any bodies of Christians in those countries, which are not now in communion with it. Provided always that by such Union, the inheritance of truth and grace which it has received with its Catholic Faith and Order be not impaired but rather established and strengthened.

And the Church of India, Pakistan, Burma and Ceylon further declare that it has the right to enter into any Unions with any other Church or Churches without loss of its identity on terms which this Church by resolution of the General Council has declared to be consistent with its principles.

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